Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Social and Pychological Affects on a Rookie Police Officer

Is police work a stressful job? Is it stressful when you are making over one hundred thousand dollars a year, as are some officers? What is the home life like of a police officer? What are the occupational and social stresses that an officer must deal with? What dangers do officers deal with every time they put on their shield? What must they give up in life, when they decide they want to cross the â€Å"blue line†? Over the next ten pages or so, I am going to tackle these areas as well as many others, while I try to portray the stresses of being a police officer.Some people may feel that even though police officers have probably the toughest job in the country, that they do not get stressed out, and it is not brought into their home life. However I personally feel, that if the job is too stressful, then the officer in question may not be able to do the job up to his or her potential. Now, if the officer is not able to fully do the job up to his or her potential, then we as ci tizens are not as safe and secure as we should be. Many officers have the stress of marriage and kids, poor work hours, and poor working conditions because of the areas that they work in.They must deal with citizens who are not always up to code, when it comes to doing the right thing. Officers have to deal with being berated by people who do not necessarily view them as an authority figure. All of these extenuating circumstances can lead a person, in any occupation, to become stressed, but a police officer has to deal with this everyday. While doing the research for this paper, I was able to find a broad array of articles ranging from the divorce rates of police officers, to the suicide rate of police officers, which grew tremendously from the nineteen eighties through today.I was able to find one particular article that discussed the stresses of being undercover. I was also fortunate enough, to have spoken with my cousin’s fiance, who is also an undercover officer (although I’ll try not to divulge the specifics of his work). There were articles on how the danger of policing is increasing today to what it is like to actually be a law enforcement officer. There are people who feel that law enforcement officers are not embraced by the community, but have to admit that their task is difficult. Laurence miller said, â€Å"Police officers regularly deal with the most violent, impulsive, predatory members of society† (www. aets. org/article87. html) He also went on to discuss the stress level of their job, and how they are â€Å"more reluctant to talk to outsiders or to show weakness in front of their peers† (www. aaets. org/article87. html). Law enforcement is a difficult field to get into. You have to make many sacrifices when you join the force. There are friends that you have to give up and holidays that you will miss. You will miss nights out with friends and possibly miss your kids birthday. A lot of people leave nice office jobs w ith no risk or pressure, where they work in a stress free environment.They get thrown right into the fray, doing things they would have never imagined. They go out there and they protect us. They do the things we do not want to do. They keep our neighborhoods safe at night, they keep the drug dealers off the streets and they provide a sense of calming in our hearts when we see them out there doing their jobs. However, I do not think we have ever really taken a look at what goes on with them. I feel that there is a lot of stress that is put on them and I am going to prove to you, that being a police officer has a lot more stress than you could have imagined.I stated that the job is so stressful on some officers that it breaks up their families. The national divorce rate is fifty percent. However, the divorce rate for police officers is sixty to seventy five percent (Police Stress And The Effects On Family, Sgt. Corey Haines pg. 6 http://www. emich. edu/cerns/downloads/papers/PoliceSt aff ) Sgt. Haines tells us that in a â€Å"twenty to twenty five year career span, it is not particularly unusual for an officer to go through six to eight marriages† (police stress and the effects on family, Sgt. Corey Haines pg. 6). Why is it that an officer’s marriage is torn apart when he is on the force?It is because of the level of stress that is brought upon this individual, and not knowing how to handle it. If an officer was trained to handle their stress more effectively, I do not feel that we would see such a drastic rate of divorce. â€Å"By managing stress more effectively officer will have the tools necessary to be better equipped in their professional and personal live† (http://www. emich. edu/cerns/downloads/papers/PoliceStaff pg. 7). Sgt. Haines once again goes on to explain that officers feel that only other officers understand their careers and problem, and that leads them into isolation from their families.He says that â€Å"Too many times of ficers choose to spend their off-duty time venting their frustrations with co-workers rather than spending quality time with their spouses (http://www. emich. edu/cerns/downloads/papers/PoliceStaff pg. 7). Obviously this leads to the stress not only being put onto the officer, but also onto their families. It eventually gives their family the feeling that they are being pushed away, and left out of an important part of their spouse’s life. We know that the stress of the job can lead to these high divorce rates.The question I ask you is, how do we curve these trends in the other direction? Sgt. Haines feels that â€Å"officers and supervisors should be taught about the symptoms and effects of job stress. Proactive training helps ward off stress when officers encounter it. When an officer suffers from stress, reactive counseling and training should be available† (police stress and the effects on family, Sgt. Corey Haines pg. 8). Sgt. Haines has seen that when an officer has the proper training in dealing with stress, that they are able to tackle the problem efficiently.He wrote that â€Å"programs for individuals often help reduce organizational stress. When a department provides a psychologist and a chaplain, the officers see that someone at the top does understand their problems and is trying to help. † ((http://www. emich. edu/cerns/downloads/papers/PoliceStaff pg. 8) I know that stress can not be taken out of police work, but if it is recognized by the department and dealt with in a timely manner, then I feel that it can have a lasting affect on an officer’s quality of life and career. It is also understood that the job is not creating all of the stress in an officer’s life.I understand that there are always going to be issues at home. Fighting with the wife, getting the kids through school and everything else that comes with being a husband and a father. The thing is, you have to be able to separate your social life, or th e life you are used to, from your job. The second your tour starts you have to give one hundred percent of your attention to police work. If you are not giving all of your attention to your job, you are endangering yourself and the lives of everyone you are being paid to protect.Family stresses are not the only thing that a police officer has to deal with. While talking to my cousin’s fiance yesterday, and discussing with him the topic of my paper, he really opened my eyes about some things. He actually told me that when you are a civilian, you kind of just take things for granted. It is like saying â€Å"ok I can go to the bar today and watch football† and you will not have to worry about who is there. However when you are on the force, you have to realize who your friends are. You can not hang around with people who have a negative influence on your life.You constantly have to think to yourself, â€Å"What kind of impact will this have on me and my career†. So me friends that you may have known since you grew up may not be able to be a part of your life anymore. These are sacrifices that you have to make for your career, and they can cause a great amount of stress on you. Cops are different from you and I. When we see cops, we see them for the most part as authority figures. We deal with them differently, as opposed to how we would deal with someone who did not have any authority. â€Å"Some people say cops are never off-duty.Even when the officer is not working, there is a tendency to attack problems and take charge† (www. heavybadge. com/10reasons. html). Why is it, that we automatically assume since someone is a cop, that they must help? Do we not think that, â€Å"hey maybe we are putting a lot of pressure on this guy? ’ We do not realize that cops are isolated from us. â€Å"The wearing of a badge, uniform and gun makes a law officer separate from society. This segregation leads to many psychological effects which res earch shows can create negative personality traits† (www. heavybadge. com/10reasons. tml). We go on to learn that just wearing the badge or a gun can cause an officer to act more aggressively toward people, and these are changes that can happen to anyone wearing a badge or uniform. However â€Å"many officers suggest there is a role, or mask which they put on along with their uniform† (www. heavybadge. com/10reasons. html).What they are not telling us is, that sometimes their â€Å"role† leaks over into their personal lives and changes the course of their relationships. â€Å"Law enforcement officers work in a quasi-military, structured institution† (www. eavybadge. com/10reasons. html). Now what this particular passage is talking about is the fact that, in a military type environment, the â€Å"individual† is not of a great concern. In this instance the â€Å"individual† is the officer. In these types of environments it is the goal of the gr oup that is paramount to success. If an officer is not performing up to standards and hinders the group performance, then they will be punished. They will â€Å"de-humanize you, to make you realize you are only a valued part of a machine† (www. heavybadge. com/10reasons. tml). How does that make an individual feel? Knowing that no matter what you do, you are not recognized as an individual, but only as a cog in a machine. The stress of performance can add up, knowing if you do not perform, there will be consequences. However it is not all the quasi-military style that can bring on the amounts of stress that officers deal with. What we need to realize is that â€Å"the at work world of the officers is very negative† (www. heavybadge. com/10reasons. html. An officer is constantly seeing the bad part of society.Granted you do see good things along the way. However it is the job of the police officer to find the bad, and deal with it. Is it always fun to work in Bensonhurs t, Brooklyn and see these teenagers, who have their whole lives ahead of them, going down the wrong path? Is it not stressful to know that all these kids need is a little bit of education, and guidance in their lives. I feel it is more stressful on the officers in today’s world, when it seems like every time you read the newspaper, you see a random person getting hit with a stray bullet shot by a teen.These could be your kids, and you never really know what is going on when you are on the job. It is extremely stressful when you have to deal with kids, going down the wrong path constantly. Officer Dan Goldfarb gave a speech to union delegates and defined stress as â€Å"that feeling and desire along with the ensuing bodily effects, experienced by a person who has a strong and true longing to choke the living shit out of someone who desperately deserves it, but you can not† (www. heavybadge. com/efstress. html. ) What officer Goldfarb is trying to ortray in his speech is that an officer has to show a tremendous amount of restraint. He says â€Å"police work by its nature calls for an incredible amount of restraint† (www. heavybadge. com/efstress. html. ) The demand on officers to show greater restraint has grown over the years, and with that so has the stress level on the job. â€Å"Between nineteen thirty four and nineteen sixty, police suicide rates were half that of the general population. Between nineteen eighty to the present, suicide rates in some departments have doubled. † (www. heavybadge. com/efstress. html. Why has the suicide rate jumped to this rather high figure? Well according to officer Goldfarb, it is because â€Å"you can not choke them anymore† (www. heavybadge. com/efstress. html. ) What he is portraying is that street justice is all but gone. Everyone has video cameras and the media just loves to put officers down. â€Å"Politicians continue to pander to the public with new laws and restrictions for police officers that further tie their hands† (www. heavybadge. com/efstress. html. ) Why is it that politicians are always so eager to get involved in police matters?Well for one it has to do with public appeal. If a politician is not doing anything good, and he needs to save face, what is the best way to do it? Get on top of law enforcement. There are some people who do not like law enforcement. It is like always having a way out. No matter how bad you are at your job, you can always go the route of law enforcement. However there are some politicians who use law enforcement to further their own agenda. I am not going to mention names but in my opinion the reverend Al Sharpton tends to do this a lot. Let me ask you this, do we ever really hear from good old Al?Nope, Only when there has been an altercation involving African Americans and usually the police, does Al come out of the wood works to spew his hatred of the New York Police Department to national television. If it was not f or the police officers doing their jobs, then poor Mr. Sharpton would never have a reason to come out. Politicians are not the last people to stress out the police. Leah Cook, a student at San Jose State University wrote â€Å"in the media, it seemed that police officers were seldom praised, but rather criticized or harassed for overstepping civil rights boundaries†. www. focusanthro. org/essays/cook–03-04. html)She was telling us how news reports (once again the media) are quick to accuse police officers for brutality. However the â€Å"police departments have set policies and procedures to ensure officer safety, even if it means physically restraining an unruly citizen. † (www. focusanthro. org/essays/cook–03-04. html). What we need to understand is that with varying degrees of conduct, it should be understood that law enforcement will receive mixed reviews. one day officers are being publicized as heroes, like the praise they received after September e leventh, while on the next, they are portrayed as racist, brutal, and authoritarian† (www. focusanthro. org/essays/cook–03-04. html). I feel that it adds a tremendous amount of stress when you are doing a job that does not have constant public support. It adds to their stress level because there is a â€Å"negative and disrespectful image of law enforcement officers in our society† (www. focusanthro. org/essays/cook–03-04. html). I just do not understand why we have such a low level of respect for our police officers.Maybe it is because of the money that Nassau and Suffolk police make. Although we can not really make that argument for the New York Police Department, because as we all know they are grossly underpaid for the job that they do. A lot of times the stress of a police officer is brought upon them at the Police Academy. Leah states that â€Å"while in the academy, training officers constantly remind the recruits that they are personally liable fo r their actions once they are out on the field† (www. focusanthro. org/essays/cook–03-04. html) . They are told stories of how cops are sued, became alcoholics, druggies, wife beaters and even worse committed suicide† (www. focusanthro. org/essays/cook–03-04. html). The trainers are basically not selling the job well, and sending new officers out there with low morale. I think it is a good thing that the trainers are telling new recruits how it really is. However if it is going to hinder the morale of your newest officers, then maybe there is a better way to get the message across. I do not know if I would feel comfortable in a new situation, with all that is being thrown at me, to be told of these other officers.I would personally find it extremely stressful to know that this could happen to me. It is like they are adding the first layer of stress, when there is just going to be tons more thrown at them, the second they hit the streets. Knowing what we now know, I feel I was successfully able to articulate the stresses of police work. It can be hard for some officers to be out on the street dealing with criminals every night. It is tough on your marriage, when you are working shifts that make it hard to see your family. It is stressful when your marriage falls apart.Some officers will slip into that state of alcoholism, some will become druggies. We will always have that threat of an officer committing suicide. However for the officers that are out there, who love their jobs, I think that stress is more than manageable. We have to know that we can go home at night, and speak with our spouse. Do not shut them out of your lives. Be open about the way you are feeling, and speak when you feel things are getting to be too much. Someone will always be there for you. We just need you to open the door.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Immigration Essay

Annie Moore the 1st immigrant to ever go through Ellis Island back when it was first opened. After being accepted and given the right to stay and live in the United States she stayed in New York where there was a large hub of Irish immigrants just as herself. After being the first of many to go through the gates at Ellis Island. Supposedly there were around 4 million other Irish folks who left their shores in Ireland to New York. So when she arrived at 1 7 years of age with her brothers Anthony and Philip and her went looking for their parents who were already here at the time.As she spent more time living there she became more and more American and at one point a citizen. After the 19th Amendment was ratified she was then allowed to vote. All of the women of the United States couldn't be happier, they were finally given what they had fought for, for a very long time. Alcohol and its abolition was a very important matter at the time. People were all debating whether to get rid of it or too keep it. She then later campaigned for the abolition of alcohol because she was now able to vote she decided to make her vote count and voted for the abolition of alcohol and it later was abolished.The problem was that since people still wanted it badly a black market for it began and it was the beginning of organized crime. Later as she grew older she got married and the city at the time was very overcrowded and the living conditions weren't the greatest but they had to cope with it because there was no where else they could live. Also working in the factory that was located on the other side of town she had to travel a lot to work everyday. Not only that but the conditions of work were horrid. The employers didn't care about their well-being just about the job being done. Immigration Essay Annie Moore the 1st immigrant to ever go through Ellis Island back when it was first opened. After being accepted and given the right to stay and live in the United States she stayed in New York where there was a large hub of Irish immigrants just as herself. After being the first of many to go through the gates at Ellis Island. Supposedly there were around 4 million other Irish folks who left their shores in Ireland to New York. So when she arrived at 1 7 years of age with her brothers Anthony and Philip and her went looking for their parents who were already here at the time.As she spent more time living there she became more and more American and at one point a citizen. After the 19th Amendment was ratified she was then allowed to vote. All of the women of the United States couldn't be happier, they were finally given what they had fought for, for a very long time. Alcohol and its abolition was a very important matter at the time. People were all debating whether to get rid of it or too keep it. She then later campaigned for the abolition of alcohol because she was now able to vote she decided to make her vote count and voted for the abolition of alcohol and it later was abolished.The problem was that since people still wanted it badly a black market for it began and it was the beginning of organized crime. Later as she grew older she got married and the city at the time was very overcrowded and the living conditions weren't the greatest but they had to cope with it because there was no where else they could live. Also working in the factory that was located on the other side of town she had to travel a lot to work everyday. Not only that but the conditions of work were horrid. The employers didn't care about their well-being just about the job being done.

Dirk Van der Elst’s “Culture as Given, Culture as Choice” Essay

In this text, anthropologists Dirk Van Der Elst and Paul Bohanan discuss the concept of multiculturalism. The text states that an entirely different view of culture is needed in the intellectual discourse of society. Elst analyzes culture using the example of analyzing sex. Elst makes it clear in his analysis that pluralities of identity are the norm, that everyone is multi-ethnic and multi-racial in some fashion Even when discussing the contemporary mainstream political debate over what constitutes ‘multiculturalism,’ it is common cultural phrasing to view culture as a stagnant unit. Multiculturalism is defined in this text as the manner in which more cultures are incorporated into the framework of the dominant discourse., rather than being a way of deconstructing notions of how culture itself is perceived and misperceived.. Elst suggests that nothing really exists as ‘culture,’ instead culture itself is a â€Å"constructed, socially produced norm.† After reading this book I got the feeling that the authors purpose was mainly to advise each individual to study and redefine his own culture. So with that said, I dug down deep and asked myself, what does culture mean to me? And how does culture influence my person, political and social life? The book says that culture means â€Å"everything that human beings have created and transmitted socially across time and space (32).† He also states on page 33 that people are said to â€Å"carry† culture, to bear it from one person or generation to another.† My parents passed their culture on to me, and I will do the same for my children. I was raised a Roman Catholic, and in my family, our heritage plays a huge part. My Irish culture gives me a sense of pride. My parents started me in step dancing when I was five and I loved it. Saint Patty’s Day is bigger than Christmas in my family. We like to talk, we like to tell stories, and we like to drink, of course. But as much as I identify myself with being an American, a woman, a twenty something, elementary education major at Rowan University, or even a Catholic, I  identify with being Irish more. Like I said, I grew up in my heritage, much in the same way many people may have grown up in theirs. My culture has always been a big part of my personal life, but I never really paid much attention as to how it affected my political and social life. As far as my social life goes, I do not associate only with other Irish people. I have a very culturally diverse group of friends. I think that this also adds to who I am. I consider myself to be well rounded and open to many things and ideas. However, my fiancà © is an Irish catholic, and when I think about it, most of my exes were Irish Catholics too. I couldn’t tell you if I choose a partner consciously or not. It could be due to the fact that we have common interests, like drinking. Politics does not interest me at all. So with that said, at this moment my culture does not affect my political life because I don’t have one. Perhaps what is most unique about this book is that it moves cultural anthropology from being this subject of strange behavior that is out there by others and makes it close and personal by repeatedly challenging the reader to use anthropology to identify with and appreciate ones self and ones own choices. It is a clear statement of why people should study anthropology. Mainly, in my own opinion, it makes you think and that is what is most important when you read.

Monday, July 29, 2019

To Be or Not to Be Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

To Be or Not to Be - Research Paper Example However, if looked negatively, it would show that the individual is very hesitant and indecisive. Hesitance and thereby indecision is normally seen as a major weakness to translate one’s thoughts and plans into action and reality. Although this weakness of hesitance would create mental blocks, the thought process and plans could reach the logical conclusion, whatever are the repercussions. Likewise, the central character of Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Hamlet has the weaknesses of hesitance and indecision’s regarding his plans, however those weaknesses do not hamper the end result The story of Hamlet revolves around the theme of revenge. Prince Hamlet strives to avenge the murder of his father. Hamlet is a tragic hero because while trying to avenge the death of his father, fells into the ‘death trap’ himself. The ‘deathtrap’ is set by his uncle (father’s brother) and tragically all the main characters including Hamlet fall into the trap. When the play starts off in Elsinore in the kingdom of Denmark, King Hamlet (father) dies and so his brother Claudius becomes the king, even marrying the late king’s wife Gertrude. Hamlet is angered by his mother’s marriage to his uncle, Claudius within a short period of his father’s death. â€Å"Let me not think ont--Frailty, thy name is woman!-- A little month, or ere those shoes were old With which she followd my poor fathers body, Like Niobe, all tears†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ that wants discourse of reason, Would have mournd longer--married with my uncle.† (Shakespeare 20 ). In all these palatial developments, logical heir and son of the late king, Hamlet with a lot of hesitance and indecision keep remaining as a mute spectator. The appearance of his father’s ghost and the revelation that his father was murdered by his uncle puts Hamlet in a position where he is unable to decide whether he should fight against the circumstances that life has put him in or just surrender before his fate.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Assignment

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods - Assignment Example The dissertation will use varied ways of collecting data from a structured perspective under quantitative methodology. This may include the use of questionnaires, psychometric tests, experiments, interviews, sampling, and observations. Questionnaires and interviews: These data collection methods are effective because they enable the researcher to gather adequate information and measure the views or opinions of many respondents. Therefore, it has a limited effect on its reliability and validity since the researcher can pack the enriched explanations and it can untangle complex research problems. Experiments: This method is effective because it will enable the researcher to produce causality statements by using controlled experiments. It is reliable and sound effects because the researcher replicates dependent information. He or she is able to control the experiments; thus offering unambiguous answers to the research question. Sample survey: This method is vital because the researcher will employ design method that will enable him or her to cover a wider area within the controlled population. It is reliable and sound effects because it saves time and narrows the research design. Observations: This data collection method is significant because it provides first-hand information, which is not biased. It is reliable and genuine because the data collected is original and is not subjected to any changes since the observer directly collects it. The dissertation will use qualitative research methods in order to inquire and understand the social or human problem from diverse perspectives, and the research study is carried out in the established settings. It also entails construction of a multifaceted and holistic image of the interesting phenomenon.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

James bond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

James bond - Essay Example In Fleming’s novels, Bond is born in London but he is active all around the globe with his Secret Service Mission and a code number 007. He is made up of many characteristics and is based on various commandos whom Fleming was acquainted with during World War II in the service for National Intelligence Division. Fleming added salt to pepper by creating his own style and tastes to suit the character of James Bond. An American ornithologist was the inspiration for James Bond’s name. His character has varied tastes that are prevalent in all of the books such as his love of drink and food, enjoyment of cars and charisma, and also an approximate intake of 60 custom designed cigarettes per day (Cork, 100-120). There have been many writers following the legacy of Ian Fleming in writing James Bond novels. Some of these are John Gardner who wrote two novelizations and fourteen novels, and Raymond Benson who wrote three short stories, three novelizations and six novels. Other auth ors also wrote James Bond stories included Kingsley Amis, Jaffrey Deaver, and Sebastian Faulks. Furthermore, many novels were based on Bond’s adolescence such as Young Bond which was a work of Charlie Higson (Cork, 125-135). The very first Ian Fleming novel was adapted by the television arena which was called Casino Royale, in which James Bond was an American agent. Daily Express also posted a comic strip series following this book. Twenty five James Bond films have been telecasted and seven actors have scrupulously played their roles in these films (Cork, 125-135). A description of James Bond by Ian Fleming presents him as a person with a weight of 76 kilograms, 183 cm height, an elegant build and posture with blue sparkly eyes and thick black hair. He has a scar beneath his right cheek and one on his left shoulder. There are evident signs of plastic surgery on the back of his right hand. He is an all rounder athlete who can play every game, an expert in pistol shot, a conno isseur boxer, a skilled knife thrower, and does not make use of disguises as were the norm of that time. Besides English, James Bond can speak German and French and is a heavy smoker who uses three gold brands. Women are his compassion and he drinks a lot but is reluctant towards bribes (Cork, 150-170). Raymond Benson’s James Bond was born in Zurich in the beginning of 1920s whose parents were Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix, from Canton de Vaud in Switzerland. This family separated their time between a huge house outside Basel which allowed James to get fluent in German and French and an apartment in Chelsea. Sadly, both James Bond’s parents expired in climbing catastrophe on a holiday in France when he was eleven years of age (Cork, 160-170). After the demise of Bond’s mother and father, he was kept under the custody of aunt Charmian and subsequently he went to live in Kent with her. On passing the Common Entrance Exam for Eton College, he was admitted into the school. But after two school halves were completed, he was made distant from the school because he came in a supposed incident with a Boys’ Maid. Following this incident his aunt Charmian sent him back to his old school called Fettes College. The Young Bond series talk about his childhood exclusively (Cork, 170-180). Bond became a devoted golfer at the age of fifteen, a hobby which is also Ian Fleming’s hobby. Considering his hobby, he was often found at Royal St Marks Golf

Friday, July 26, 2019

Britvic plcs 2011 annual report,1)Critically evaluate the information Essay

Britvic plcs 2011 annual report,1)Critically evaluate the information contained in the Chairmans Statement - Essay Example According to his statement and the financial report, the company has made a record of both revenue and volume growth in 2011 in the international market (Gibson 201). This growth is evident in the French and an international territory which contributes to the company’s overall growth of about 4.3%. This growth brings the company to the current 138.1 million Euros. The statement indicates that there was a growth of revenue for Britvic in the year 2011 to 14.6%. That means that the current revenue position in the company according to its financial statement is 1.3 billion Euros. The chairman’s stamen indicates the underlying revenue excluding that of the French territory in the previous financial year. It was a notable achievement for the company given the situation of the cost of raw materials. Their cost was high in this particular year, but Britvic recorded high revenue. The chairman also congratulates the company on its progress quoting that there was a weaker consumer environment in comparison to the previous years. The GB revenue of the company in 201 was 2.7 %, which indicates a growth of 11.3 % from the previous two years. There is an association between growth and the strong carbonates performance of the company (Gibson 2010). The chairman’s report attributes the continued success of the company to its strategy of supply chains, distribution channels and innovation. His statement also indicates of the company’s strategy of business efficiency as being one of the contributors to its success. Britvic also operates in Ireland, though operations in this region have been difficult. In 2011, the company was able to launch new brands in the market like juicy drench and Mountain Dew. The two brands have been a success in the market because consumers are purchasing them. Difficult macro trading conditions in the market led to a decline in revenue by 9.6 % (Gibson, 2010). The chairman explains how the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

CAT5e cable to a connector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CAT5e cable to a connector - Essay Example The four wire pairs in the cable are color coded with 4 colors; namely, green, blue, orange and brown. Four wires in the cable have solid coloration, while the other four are a combination of these colors, painted in stripes onto a white background. These four pairs are twisted together and housed in a single jacket. The specific ordering of the colors differs, in accordance with the scheme employed. There are two color code standards; namely, the EIA/TIA 568A and EIA/TIA 568B, which are used to terminate the cable at the RJ45 ends (Nikkel). Between similar devices, such as a PC to PC connection, a crossover cable would be required. Hence in this case, one end would employ the 568B standard, whereas the other end must utilize the 568A standard. When unlike devices are required to be connected, like a PC card to a hub, a straight through cable is used. In this case, both the RJ45 connectors comply with the same color code standard, either 568A or 568B (Nikkel). First, the covering sheath of the cat 5 cable at the end is to be removed. Then, the pairs are to be untwisted and the colored wires are to be arranged, as per the required 568A or 568B standard. This is shown in the image appended below: After this the individual wires are to be trimmed and inserted into the RJ45 connector, ensuring that all the wires are properly placed inside the connector. Thereafter, a crimping tool has to be employed, in order to fasten the cable to the connector. The length of the wire is to be minimized to the extent possible, as longer wires tend to decrease the transfer speeds. A similar procedure is to be followed at the other end of the cable, in order to obtain an Ethernet cable. The CAT 5e Ethernet cable offers a fast and reliable way of transferring information between network cables. However without the use of an amplification device they can only be used up to a length of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blighs Claims and Liabilities in Tort Case Study

Blighs Claims and Liabilities in Tort - Case Study Example Tort may include that this personal violation or wrong can be negligent or intentional such as battery or defamation of character. Torts can also be violations of personal property as well. Strictly speaking, torts are called civil wrongs as opposed to criminal wrongs. However, torts like battery can be both a tort and a crime and the defendant can face both civil and criminal penalties. Torts may be committed with force or without force to the person or to the property in possession. Tort laws have been enacted to provide relief for the damages incurred and deter others from committing the same injurious acts. Under most tort laws, a person can sue for an injunction to stop the continuation of an injurious act or for monetary damages. Under Tort law, a person can also sue for loss of earnings capacity, pain and suffering, and reasonable medical expenses in the present and projected into the future. Some of the more specific torts include trespass, assault & battery, negligence, products liability, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Tort liability fall into three categories: intentional, negligent and liability. (i) Negligence: Negligence is a tort which depends on the existence of a breach of duty of care owed by one person to another. In order to claim damages under 'negligence', the following conditions must have been satisfied. In the above case, the de... b) The defendant breached the duty of care c) Breach causing harm in fact d) The injury / loss was caused by the breach and damages need to be awarded e) Breach being a proximate or not too remote a cause, in law In the above case, the defendant Mr. Hood had negligently left the keys in the ignition, because of which, Mr. Fletcher took the cruiser without Mr. Hood's permission and hit Mr. Bligh's barge. This has resulted in damage to the property of Mr. Bligh. If Mr. Hood had properly locked it, and had not left the keys in the ignition itself, the damage wouldn't have happened. As such, 'negligence' has provided a cause of action against Mr. Hood. In Donoghue v. Stevenson's case , Mrs Donoghue could sue the manufacturer of Ginger Beer for negligence, since he had not exercised due care in checking the contents of Ginger Beer which had decomposed snail in it. (ii) Vicarious Liability: It is not sure whether Mr. Fletcher is an employee of Mr. Hood. If he is an employee of Mr. Hood, Mr. Bligh can claim damages from Mr. Hood under Vicarious liability as well. "Since his employee harmed the barge of Mr. Bligh in the course of his employment, he is required to bear responsibility for it. In one of the tort cases, the conductor of a bus drove the bus negligently and injured a pedestrian. The court ruled that the owner of that bus is liable for conductor's irresponsible act, since the accident happened during the course of employment. (iii) Intangible Economic Interests / Monitory loss: Because of the above act of Mr. Fletcher, the barge was damaged and took a day to repair. As a result, Mr. Bligh was unable to use it to carry on his transport business and lost a day's profit, there being no other barge available. Mr. Bligh, can claim the monitory loss

Auditing2 case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Auditing2 analysis - Case Study Example Therefore for a business to address this issue, it has to put in place control measures that will reduce the number of risks the business is exposed to. This is not a fool proof measure but rather ways of mitigating the extent of loss in case the business suffers. This paper therefore seeks to identify the inherent risks in the case presented, point out internal control weaknesses, the best sampling techniques to use in testing the reasonableness of the various departments. 1. In the case given, the CFO and CEO worked together in the previous company. There is an inherent risk that they are incompetent in discharging their duties and had to leave the company. This is a risk that HFC needs to be aware of and put in place measures to identify and mitigate any loss that may arise due to their incompetence. The order and shipping department has the potential to incur inherent risk whereby the quality of the goods may not meet the required standards to satisfy customers. Another risk is in credit approval. Currently, once a customer is approved, they remain credit worthy until the cease doing business. The inherent risk here is that the customer may leave a bad and irrecoverable debt to the company. This clearly is a risk that can be mitigated by introducing an internal control policy to do a background check on customers before approval. The company can also set limits to the amount that a customer can be advanced by the business. 2. An internal weakness simply means the possibility of the internal checks to detect or deter any fraudulent activities either willingly or not willingly. There are several weaknesses in the company such as placing orders over the internet and via phone calls. It poses a threat to loss of stock since this is an asset with high liquidity. With the advancement of technology, there is a risk of receiving fake orders coupled with the weak controls in credit approval, and consequently loosing cash in form of stocks.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Contributions of Mansa Musa to the greatness of Mali Empire Essay

Contributions of Mansa Musa to the greatness of Mali Empire - Essay Example The Mali Empire extended to the east from the Atlantic coasts along the River Niger delta, which is known for the richness in agriculture, to beyond the village of Timbuktu. The northern border of this region was formed by the Sahara desert well known for dryness and hot climate. A tropical jungle formed the south. The Mali kingdom owes its success to the Niger River, which rises in southwest sides of Guinea and flows towards the east of West Africa through Nigeria shortly before flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. Along the banks of the River, Niger laid fertile soil that was left behind when the river became flooded each year. For this reason, many important cities emerged in the Niger delta and thus, trading of goods became more popular. Muslim traders that came from northern Africa, Orient, and Arabia found their way to different regions of Timbuktu due to the domestication of camels and good economic prospects in the Mali Empire at that time. They were able to transport their goods across the dry and hot Sahara desert to do business with people who lived along river Niger. Musa being the leader of Mali Empire denied non-believers of Islam access to river Niger markets. The trade made the River Niger’s markets thrive, thus, developing this empire (Tschanz 4-7). A natural trading intersection was formed in Timbuktu. The northern bank of river Niger became the stopping zone for camels. Timbuktu occupied the central bend of the river, which means that only boats were used to move goods along the river from east to west.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Forrest Gump Review Essay Example for Free

Forrest Gump Review Essay The third movie we watched was, â€Å"Forrest Gump†. Tom Hanks plays the main character, a simple man called Forrest Gump. The story is told through his innocent eyes, and we see just how crazy the world really is. His best friend, Jenny, is played by Robin Wright and Forrest’s mother is played by Sally Field. There are a few themes to be found in this movie, the main ones being, love, death and war. You can find love in the movie between Forrest and Jenny being best friends, and how Forrest took care and looked after Jenny in her time of need. Also there is a strong love between Forrest and his mother, and how she took care of him when he was younger and how later he took care of her when she was sick. Finally you can find love between Forrest and his new friend, Bubba that he meets along his journey, and how close they are and the plans they make. Death can be found in a few places in the movie, being it his mother, his wife, or his best friend; we see how Forrest overcomes these deaths and how innocent he is when it comes to death itself. The third theme, war, is found when Forrest finds himself working for the army in Vietnam. We see here that he sees the world as a crazy place and even though he is seen as simple, he sees that fighting isn’t the only way to solve things. This movie shows that no matter how simple people see you to be, you still know the difference between right and wrong. Forrest sees the world in a more innocent and sweet way, and as the movie goes on people start to see the world the way he does and start to understand him a little bit more.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Planning and development of BMW in Malaysia

Planning and development of BMW in Malaysia BMW Group is one of the worlds largest premium carmakers and BMW is also the parent of the company of BMW MINI and Rolls-Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover. BMW headquarters in Munich, Germany. The company slogans in English are The Ultimate Driving Machine and Sheer Driving Pleasure. BMW was founded by Karl Friedrich Rapp in October 1913. Automobiles, motorcycles and financial services are three segments that operate by BMW and they manufactured the first passenger car running by hydrogen. BMW manufacturing is plant in Germany, Austria, UK, USA, Mexico, South Africa, Egypt, Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and also Vietnam. BMWs main competitors include Acura, Alfa Romeo, Audi, Cadillac, Infiniti, Jaguar, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo all of this are consider luxury brands of the car products. Nowadays, BMW is support by 11different types of series.( Knozolvilag, no date) According to the research, shown that there are 2 new divisions for BMW been introduce in October 1, 2007. Which are corporate and brand development will be lead by the director of corporate planning this is focus on the vital for brand management, corporate planning, and strategic implementation BMW. Second, purchasing and supplier network that headed by Dr.Herbert.Diess. The purpose are to reduce the material cost and expenses factor. (Nina Mendioli, no date) 1.2 LATEST FINANCIAL SITUATION 2010 BMW Malaysia economy continue to growth and sales up to August growing by 7.1% from 2,635 units to 2,893 units and are expected that reaching a total sales figure of 4,000 vehicles by the end of the year. So the financial overview BMW Malaysia consider in a well and positive situation. (, 2010) *All in euro million *Sales: unit 2007 Net profit: 1,184 sales (automobiles): 1,551,490 cost of material: 36,638 (BMW, 2008) 2008 Net profit: 384 sales (automobiles): 1,446,055 cost of material: 34,044 (BMW, 2009) 2009 Net profit: 202 sales (automobiles): 1,231,893 cost of material: 28,300 (BMW, 2010) Overall the company performance, let see from net profit for automobile BMW from 2007 until last year 2009 are decreasing, especially around year 2008 in UK and US BMW company are hits by credit crunch (Chris Reiter, 2010); this are the reason of decreasing of net profit. But the sales for automobile are actually decreasing but not tat much are around 5 to 10% from 2007-2009. Next, for the cost of material for year 2008 to 2009 are decrease around 15 to 20%. 1.3 BMW MISSION STATEMENT BMW worldwide mission statement is: The mission statement up to the year 2020 is clearly defined: the BMW Group is the worlds leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility. (BMW education program, 2001-2010) 1.4 BMW CORE VALUE AND MARKET SHARE BMW is a world tops luxury car maker so they have their own financial core value which is ULTIMATE CARE to build up and maintain the customer relationship bye offering all-sided financial and insurance service. Uniqueness through diversity Leadership Teamwork Involvement in community Mutual respect Associate growth development Taking risks Excellence through quality innovation Courteous FAir Responsive Efficient (BMW financial service,2007) 2010 of April managing director of BMW Malaysia announced: they are confident with 2010 years sales and market share and will be better than 2009 because BMW already perform very well on 2009 although economy is downturn and BMW730Li and BMW Individual 760Li is launching so this make them more confident. (Nurul, 2008) 2.0 MARKET SITUATION 2.1 SECTOR TREND In Malaysia, BMWs main competitors are Mercedes, Audi and Lexus. In 2008 have been reported that sales are rise 32% compare with 2007. First seven months of 2009, BMW Malaysia sold 2,048 units compared with 2008 is 2,133 during the same period. So on for the first quarter 2010, Malaysia sale 967 and increase 14.0%. Malaysia BMW is doing very well for the moment. (Business time, no date), (EUGENE MAHALINGAM, 1995-2010), (Horatiu, 2010) 2.2 PESTEL The external audit are contain with PESTEL which are political change, environmental effects, socio-cultural change, technology change, Economic, and also legally in Malaysia. (FRANCES and STEPHEN, 2003.) The political change effects for BMW are actually not much. Overall of the political are actually have no impacts for BMW in Malaysia. Unless if we assume that the Malaysia politic suddenly become worst and confusion like: Thailand as an example, then it will directly effect BMW as no people will buy this luxury car at the suffering time while politic in the country is not stable. Because if the politic is not stable and always demonstrate everywhere in Malaysia, Malaysian will feel very dangerous and like taking a risk driving so expensive car while the car may just sacrifice on every time. Environmental automobile companies have to show that they responsibly use the available resources and care about the environment, so that wont pollute or damage the environment. In Malaysia, people are starting to have awareness of environmental issues and many company start to do go green for their company. BMW reduced plant emissions and vehicle consumptions, which required improvements in engine technology and aerodynamics. The BMW Group has a program call EfficientDynamics are to reducing the consumption. (Anonymous, 2000-2010) The socio-cultural are all about demographic, culture and attitude. In Malaysia, nowadays the age that the new generation starting working are mostly after college or University that mean age around 22 to 23 year old. So most of the people only start working and have specific amount of saving after working. So, it will be quite a time for younger people to buy BMWs car. The occupation is very important that because of the highly cost to purchase BMWs car, so people must have a successful job and image to afford before buy the car. The genders who afford to buy BMWs car are mostly male because quite many % of female in Malaysia are housewife so impossible to consume BMWs car without income. Location where have more people buy BMWs car are citizen because the income are optimize compare with villager. Technology for BMW in Malaysia its shows that the fields of security and alternative energies, e.g. hydrogen, electricity are the part that they focus on now. It also shows that in the automobile company we need to put a lot of efforts and invest into the RD. Technology is becoming the reputation of the vehicles and automobile manufacturers employ the use of technology by adding gadgets into their motors as an example are the BMW 7 series iDrive. To increase the engineering and the quality of the models, BMW use an advance technology on it. (Anonymous, 2000-2010) Economy is first about the reducing of the car demand because of the increasing of the petrol price. Next, if the economy in Malaysia goes down this will also affect BMW indirectly because will happen unemployment. The economy goes down and many peoples loss their job and have no income so that is impossible for Malaysian to purchase BMW luxury car during economy make everyone suffering. But for this moment Malaysia are not facing this problem yet. Apart of that, the inflation is also giving effects for BMW. Legally the legal factor is all about environmental protection law, employment law, and taxation policy. It is pollution control and remediation and to protect the environment and ensure that the BMWs car is not giving any negatives impacts to the environment in common sense. The employment law also very important in which it is all about relationship between employee and employer, and is to protect the right of the employee. Example: woman law, working hours law, labour medical law and etc. Any changes of the employment law that are not fair may affect the workers and directly affect BMW organization operation. 3.0 COMPETITOR SITUATION ( BMW AND COMPETITOR SWOT ANALYSIS) 3.1 BMW SWOT ANALYSIS Strength: The product development on the core platforms keeps its various brands distinct. BMW is one of the most successful multi-national brand premium car manufacturers. It is independently owned by BMW. BMW is the only car manufacturer possessing three non-overlapping premium car brands in the portfolio. BMW always want to be the best and keep focus on RD by number of the new models the group has released over few years. Weakness: Fail to enlarge the range because of the pricing are expensive and majority of the consumer are fail to afford it. BMW Company is associated with luxury price product. Highly cost in Germany headquarter manufacturer that affect the company profitability, and BMW still have not that much manufacturer in lower cost country such as Thailand, Vietnam and etc as what we can see now many of the competitor most of their manufacture are moving to the lower cost country. To maintain the BMW cars maintenance cost is heavy. Opportunities: Based on secondary data, China is ranks as third largest market for BMW 7 series luxury limousines. Dealers expand to many countries. Huge demand for smaller car in market Globalization expand and entering into the new market. Many potential in the Asian for the BMW market. Threats: The pricing of the oil is going up higher and higher once upon the time. The price of the raw material of the car is increasing and then offset the company earning. Dropping of the dollar against the euro being threaten to undercut BMW top line and so that decrease the profitability. The government policies of exchanging rate. Quite strong competitor like: Mercedes, Audi, Lexus. 3.2Competitor SWOT analysis (Mercedes-Benz) most direct competitor Strength SUV bumper Famous brand name like BMW More than 80% of the model still on the road Mercedes car resale are still valuable Successful F1 team Mercedes have roadside assistance connection Fuel cell concept to increase range and power for earlier version Weakness Building time Pricing too premium JIT (just in time) Waiting time Opportunities Joint venture Development of the new model Professional sport sponsor Environmentally car concept Maybach design concept Threats Entrance to new market Little to no experience BMW competitor, luxury small car with cheaper price 4.0 OBJECTIVE 4.1BMW SMART objective Malaysia Specific, measurable, achieving, realistic and time-based for the objective of BMW are seek to where would we want to go. It is very specific to example: profitability objective and promotion objective. BMW clear that what specific that they want to achieve, quantify the objective, it must be achievable and also realistic for the resources like money and people to achieve the objective and when do BMW want to achieve. FINANCIAL OBJECTIVE Sales volume objective 2010: Increase to around 10% to over 1.4 million units. Full year EBIT margin: Over 5% expected for automobile. Financial service: Earning more than last year (2009). Return on equity over 18% in 2010. Sales volume objective 2012 ¼Ã… ¡five-year plan of achieving annual sales of 1.8 million vehicles. CUSTOMER AWARNESS For individual customer service: Provide premium services for individual mobility. Customer relationship: Ultimate care and build up customers relationship by starting provide all-sided financial and insurance service. SOCIETAL OBJECTIVE Societal objective: Take care of the environment by doing more on RD, create car which are environmental friendly which are now the whole world concerning. Objective until 2020: BMW Group is the worlds leading provider of premium products. 2020 objective BMW: Reach annual sales of 2 million by 2020. 5.0 STRATEGY 5.1 CUSTOMER ANALYSIS BMW IN MALAYSIA There are three steps in the customer analysis which is fall into segmentation, target market, positioning. In the segmentation section BMW Company need to do for the psychographic segmentation, behavior segmentation, and profile characteristic to help the company to do the targeting more effective. The lifestyle and personality is group into the psychographic segmentation. Lifestyle and profile in Malaysia is depending on what are the persons occupation, and the family background. If they are professional and paid by the company very high salary or the family is rich and the parent can afford to buy the BMW car, and BMW rank as one of the top luxury carmaker. Research shows that the main market for the BMW is actually more than 65% of sales at Europe and North America, but Asian market is actually a big market. So this show that not most of the Malaysian can afford to buy the car but only some of the Malaysian that who can afford and the BMW lovers will be able to buy BMWs car. Beha vior segment are benefits sought and perceptions and beliefs. The person who able to purchase BMWs car may have successful image or very high income monthly, or they may want to have a modern, sport and luxury looks. Some of the Malaysian that who can afford to buy BMWs car are because of BMW brand superiority, performance, reliability and quality. (SlideShare, 2010). Furthermore, in Malaysia driver who can afford to drive BMW also depend on their place, in the city we can see more Malaysian driving BMW rather than rural location. It will still have but lesser if compare with city. Targeting is come after segmenting and it is very vital in the segmenting, targeting and positioning. BMW have a high competitive, the main manufacture that BMW compete with are as discussed before to name a few are Mercedes, Jaguar, Audi, Lexus, Porsche and etc. The products that other competitors manufacture produce have similar price, product, quality and image. Most of these competitors are special and valuable brands, and they use differentiated strategies to produce large ranges of cars and have same product life cycle with BMW. Each of these companies sells car with different brands image, Jaguar is seen as a luxury, reliable and quality producer that BMW also do the same thing but on the other hand Alfa Romeo is famous with their stylish and performance breed but unreliable car from the research. (SlideShare, 2010). Inside Malaysia we can see most of the gender who drive BMW still male more compare to female and the design are more suitable to boy compare to female although we can still see female driving BMW as long as they able to purchase it. In the positioning stage, we can position that in Malaysia most of the male can purchase BMW than female depend on their successfully of their occupation or image and also family background are one of the big reason. In the city of Malaysia have more people drive BMW than village and the competitive is actually not a very big affect for BMW because BMW brand have already build up for quite a long time and most of us can identify BMW logo on the road and BMW have it good reputation and high and trusted quality in Malaysia as well. So BMW operate has seen as a good and loyal consumer at the market they operate. 5.2 MARKETING MIX IN MALAYSIA The marketing mixes are 4ps (product, price, place and promotion). The most important thing in marketing mix is product. In an organization, to ensure their successful, they must first have product that can satisfy consumer desire and satisfaction like: BMW is car. As a marketing people, we need to develop a product into the brand and create single position in mind of customer. BMW present models are: BMW 3 series: sedan, coupe, convertible, touring and compact. BMW 5 series: sedan and touring BMW 6 series: coupe and convertible BMW 7 series: sedan BMW Z4 : Roadster BMW X3 : SUV BMW X5 : SUV BMW M : convertible and coupe (BMW Assignment, 2010) When each BMW product have been developed and introduce to market, we need to know a product life cycle. Any of the products are actually have a life cycle including car. So, we need to develop a car clearly know that where and when the product will be growth, mature and decline. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE CURVE (NetMBA, 2002-2010) BMW know that the importance to making sure not all the product will at maturity level, so this might be result in the products beginning to decline which at the same time. Normally the product has a period of time to launch and take several years. When this series car going to mature level and the company will start to get something new to delivering the consumer new satisfaction. As an example: BMW company launches X5 at year 2000 and they launch new series of X5 at 2006. Next, BMW 3series, it 7 years life cycle and 7series for 7 years only for the first models life cycle was longer to 9 years. It is clear that BMW is spread over a period of time a life cycle of his 3 products. Many of the BMW cars need to manufactured, designed, and launched to ensure the car is attractive within the quality. Next, is the pricing for BMWs car in Malaysia. The pricing are from approximately RM203,800.00 to RM1,388,800.00. There are many factors that can affect the car price of car because of the engine size, motor sport version and etc. Example: the pricing strategies that have been used by BMW for the 3 series version. BMW 320d M SPORT price from 255,800.00, BMW 320i from 236,800.00, BMW 320i COUPE from 289,800.00, BMW 320i M SPORT from 248,800.00, BMW 323i from 275,800.00, BMW 325i CONVERTIBLE from 439,800.00, BMW 325i M SPORT from 309,800.00, BMW 335i COUPE M SPORT from 498,800.00. According to the research, most of the competitor like: Audi, Alfa Romeo their 3 series are also around the same price. The reasons are car industry is too big and not so important for the production cost and it is not necessary to earn a large profit. (CAR PRICE GUIDE 1995-2010), (SlideShare, 2010) The placement for BMW is also very vital. There are more than 10 dealers that we can find in Malaysia. Auto Bavaria ( Glenmarie, Johor Bahru, Kote Kinabalu, Kuantan, Kuching, Penang, Segambut, Sungai besi) , Ingress Auto, Lees Motor Auto Care, Sapura Auto, Seong Hoe Premium Motors and Tian Siang Premium Auto. The dealer which is nearer to the consumer place will be chosen and give the best services. BMW operates in more than 100 countries and with approximately 4000 plus dealers which are authorized to sell BMW new used car, parts and after sell service product are provided for all the BMW customers. (SlideShare, 2010), (BMW Malaysia, 2004). The process of BMW distribution: Manufacturer Dealers Consumers To do the promotion for BMW, on 28 October 2010 BMW have already introduce New Auto Bavaria which is the largest premium automotive dealership in the Southern Corridor of Peninsula Malaysia. By adding more dealers in Malaysia will also helping in promote BMW brand indirectly. (Sashi Ambi, BMW Malaysia, 2004) Malaysia BMW also does product planning, advertising and promotional activities. Planning campaign done to increase the sales volume. Event launches for the new models car. Below shows the advertising/campaign slogans that used by BMW: Slogans used: Positioned itself as the brand with the unique benefit of a luxury car that provides an exhilarating driving experience with advertising. The Ultimate Driving Machine. (Ezzy Get A Car, 2008-2009) Time frame: Established itself over time from its introduction in US market in 1974. Ran for 15years, overall brand-focus on prestige. (Ezzy Get A Car, 2008-2009) Next, promotion have been done also example: limited edition on 24 January 2010 are offered for the coming Chinese new years it involved (3 series and 5 series). In 2009 January 10and 11th, the open house is also invite all the peoples to join and offering attractive financing packages, cultural delights and Ang Pows worth up to RM888 (terms conditions apply) and BMW also offering interest rates from as low as 1.38% as a promote activity. Unbeatable interest rate of 1.38% from BMW Credit also offered by BMW if purchase limited BMW 5 series editions, BMW 523i Executive Edition and etc. (Ezzy Get A Car, 2008-2009) 6.0 FORECAST AND IMPLICATION IMPLICATIONS According to the BMW annual report shown that, from 2003- 2006 the net profit after minus the lost for last year is increasing. From 2005 to 2006 the net profit is increase around 28% and 2003 to 2004 are increase around16%. (BMW Group, no date). Only come to year 2007 to 2009 the company net profit is decreasing because of credit crunch issues. (Chris Reiter, 2010) But come to 2010 year assume that company margin can be increase around 10 %; and believe that after the economy straighten up 2010, their annual report for coming year 2011 and 2012 will be slightly increase from 5% to around 10% for their net profit and sales for automobile. I assume that on 2010 BMW Company sales of automobile (unit) will achieve to 1.4 million and until 2012 they hope to achieve to 1.8 million. So I assume that on 2009 to 2010 the sales (unit) automobile will increase 15% to achieve this 1.4million number and on 2011 to 2012 it will be increase around 16% to make it 1.8million for the sales (unit) of automobile. In short, will became the leader in the premium car manufacturer industry soon and create car which are more environmental friendly within 5 years. Conclusion In short, BMW is multinational companies that are considering very successful in the market. Many country have their dealer that already listed on the essay and their car are consider famous and premium concept are already key in to the whole world consumer concept. BMW car are now represent the status of a person, so they should have a very good marketing plans, strategies and new concept to compete with their strong competitor and continue to improving and make them better. In addition, with all the different PESTEL and 4ps as well that need to analysis deeply accordingly to the differences of country and so meet the local culture and local people need. Apart from that, it is very important for a company to do a proper company strategy. A company need to do a good segmenting of which segment of their products should fall into and then targeting who is their target market. Positioning come after targeting, a very good company needs to have a very good position in the target market. Following by the forecast their objective, must they clearly define what objective they need to achieve on which year (what and when). Next, work together with all the staff in the company and so the dealer to achieve it if possible. Lastly, by doing this all ways to make sure that BMW can stand last longer in the market and continue to produce quality car for the consumers in the market all around the world.

Reflection On Communication In Experiencing Mental Illness Nursing Essay

Reflection On Communication In Experiencing Mental Illness Nursing Essay The purpose of this assignment is to critically reflect upon on aspect of my professional practice and development that arose whilst out in clinical practice. The paper will show emphasise based on communication. This reflection has been chosen to highlight the need for nurses to have therapeutic communication skills in order to provide holistic care and encourage a good nurse-patient relationship. Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle has been chosen as a framework for this paper. To satisfy the requirements of the Data protection Act (1998) as well as the NMC (2007) code of professional conduct, all names have been changed to protect identity in concordance with confidentiality purposes. Reflection is a way of analysing a past incident in order to promote learning and development. Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle can be seen as cyclical in nature which incorporates six stages to enable me to continuously improve my learning from the event for better practice in the future. The six stages are: 1. Description 2. Feelings 3. Evaluation 4. Ananlysis 5. Conclusion 6. Action plan. Description Whilst out in placement I witnessed both positive and negative communication. During handover I was informed Maisey has dementia, deafness, aggression and short term memory loss. During handover Maisey approached the nurses int he office who appeared to look very anxious and upset. The staff nurse raised her voice and in a fixed tone told Maisey to return to her bedroom, shouting we are to busy now, go back to your room. The nurses and health care assistants present in handover giggled amongst themselves, exchanged knowing glances and mimicked Maiseys voice saying she can be such a nuisance. Having not previously met Maisey I offered to assist her with her personal hygiene needs and to make her bed. I knocked on her bedroom door to which I then entered. Maisey stood up defensively and appeared to be very agitated and irate. She shouted that she wanted answers. I explained that I came to help her and would do my best to help her. Maisey then explained that no one had explained to her why she was in hospital nor did she know the where abouts of her daughter (main care giver). Reviewing Maiseys care plan I found out she had a fall at her daughters (Barbara) house and her son informed me that Barbara was away on holiday for a week. After the discussion with Maisey I documented it in her notes so that other members of the Multi-disciplinary team would acknowledge that Maisey was uncertain about the situation she was in. After speaking to my mentor and being more knowledgeable on Maiseys situation, I returned to her with my mentor close by. I pulled up a chair next to her and in a calm, reassuring, comforting manner explained the reason why she was in hospital. However Maisey appeared to look confused and asked me to speak to her in her left ear as she was deaf. I patiently repeated what I had said, she looked brighter after I mentioned her daughters name. Maisey asked a few more questions and I tried to answer them accurately and confidently. Maisey smiled and confided she is aware that she can be forgetful but feels that she is being ignored and that no one cared to what she had to say. She also said she could not sleep as other patients were disturbing her. After the discussion I gave Maisey assistance with her personal hygiene needs to which she thanked me for taking the time and just talking. Maisey had said she felt a lot better that someone took the time to listen to her concers and explain wh at was going on instead of being ignored and left in the dark. Feelings I felt very angry and disappointed that the staff easily agreed as a team that Maisey was just confused and describing her a as nuisance, without investigating as to why she seemed upset. I was in complete shock that as nurses they could be so quick to dismiss Maisey the way the did. I was highly annoyed that they all felt it was alrite to mimic and laugh at a patient. I felt a bit disheartened how no one took the time to explain what was going on to Maisey. Once I helped Maisey I felt happy that I took the time to get to know her and in turn see a different side to things. I felt proud I was able to reassure and relax Maisey so she could rest properly. Evaluation I feel I have learnt a lot from this experience with Maisey and how the nurses responded to her when she was at a very vulnerable time. It was not a nice encounter as I feel things like this should not happen in practice, however in terms of a learning prospective it was good as it taught me that it is paramount to be sensitive towards a patient who is feeling distressed. It went well as I have learnt how important it is to be patient, to take the time to listen to a patient as this can have cumulative effects on that persons well being and the outcome as to how they are feeling. The way the staff nurses reacted was not in the best interests of the patient. I did not like their approach, as they did not make an effort to show support or any understanding as she was known as a difficult patient. Stockwell (1972) wrote the infamous book The Unpopular Patient where she explains that studies of communication in nursing demonstrate inadequacies in nursing practice.   Stockwell (1972) de scribes the nurse-patient interaction, insisting that such interaction is not always satisfactory, especially when dealing with a difficult or unpopular patient. I feel the nursing team were ignorant to the fact that Maisey had difficulty in hearing which must have made it irritating for staff to keep repeating themselves. This could have been part of the reason as to why Maisey was considered an unpopular patient as she was seen as demanding. Analysis There was no interaction between nurse and patient as Maisey approached the nurses station, and to be mocked then dismissed must have been a terrible experience for her.   Davis (2008) explains how hectic times of the day such as handover, mealtimes and ward rounds leave insufficient time to help patients who need it.   However, if the nursing team had engaged in a little conversation with Maisey, she might have felt valued and understood, instead of upset and belittled.   The NMC Code (2008) clearly states many standards of conduct which a registered nurse should be trusted to do, these including You must treat people kindly and considerately and You must listen to the people in your care and respond to their concerns and preferences.   If as nurses we should comply with The Code (2008), a lot of work is required to raise the awareness of the importance of communication in the delivery of care.   In 2007 the NMC introduced Essential Skills Clusters.   These Essential Ski lls are to be delivered by all registered nurses, one of these clusters containing Care, Compassion and Communication.   The NMC introducing these clusters show the importance of interpersonal skills in nursing care, and significance of communication in the nursing profession.   On this occasion, the nursing team did not show care or compassion for Maisey, and certainly did not engage in therapeutic conversation.   As a student nurse I felt I had the knowledge and skills to approach the patient to appropriately calm and reassure her.   Heyward and Ramsdale (2008) explain that a patient who thinks his nurse is not listening to them will lose faith in the service a nurse provides, and in the nurses willingness and ability to do as they have promised.   They explain that sympathising with a patient shows willingness to understand their anxieties and make the patient feel more comfortable.   As I entered the room the patient stood up with a defensive posture, which I assumed was using non-verbal communication to inform me that she was suspicious and distrustful of me.   This was caused by the nursing teams disability to make the patient their first priority and to listen and respond to her concerns.   Santamaria (1993) tells us that nurses must deal with the full range of human behaviour, and at the same time deliver the highest quality of care.   I acknowledged that Maisey was upse t and gave her the opportunity to ask questions and voice her concerns, and in turn made her feel special by giving her my time.   As Maisey asked me to speak loudly into her right ear I wondered if her history of deafness had been accurately assessed, as she was definitely not deaf but having communication difficulties.   Eradicating this problem with help of a speech and language therapist or a hearing aid would have helped Maisey and the impatient staff enormously in this situation.   Although I had been informed that the patient could be aggressive, I managed the situation by relating to her position and understanding her point of view.   Leadbetter and Patterson (1995) explain the prevention and management of aggression should be dealt with by showing empathy and respect for the patients individuality and being genuine, utilising an open and honest manner.   Finally, integrity, and being aware of ones own competence to handle the situation.   Egan (1990) considers non-verbal communication to prevent violent situations such as considering body posture, nodding to show interest and making eye contact, but not as though to threaten the patient in any way. Fortunately, empathy and respect for Maisey helped her to trust and confide in me.   The reason for analyzing this particular section of the scenario was to answer the question, Why did the nurse not feel efficiently equipped to approach the patient herself, instead leaving the potentially aggressive situation with an unsupervised student?   In the NMC Code (2008), advice for a registered nurse is to recognise and work within the limits of your competence, but also to have the skills and knowledge for safe and effective practice.   I believe communication skills within the nursing team must be rigorously developed and maintained as one professional alone cannot meet a patients requirements.   We need to work collaboratively to provide maximum care delivery.   Maisey felt more relaxed, valued and safe, after we identified and resolved her concerns.   Older people generally have more barriers to communicating effectively.   These barriers are worth investigating, as the acquisition of a little understanding and basic skills is a simple and rewarding exercise. (Myerscough, 1992)   The barriers Maisey faced, was the time the nurses had to spend with her, and the fact that she was deaf.   Myerscough (1992) explains that this is overcome by speaking loudly and clearly, using clear lip movements to assist lip reading.   Through actively listening to the patient and encouraging conversation we managed to focus on the problem that was causing unease.   I do believe that Maisey was discriminated against because of her conditions and illness, as she was not given the time and energy that was given to other patients.   The Human Rights Act (1998) Article 14 explains that every person should be treated equally without any discriminat ion on any ground.   This section of the act was broken when the staff failed to treat Maisey as they would the other patients.   Maisey was confused and upset that she had not been given time to adapt to her surroundings, and was in fear due to the separation from her main caregiver.   Most patients do suffer a degree of anxiety and apprehension and admission to hospital is in particular a disturbing experience for anyone. (Lloyd and Bor, 1996)   They offer explanations for these anxieties, such as being in an unfamiliar environment and separation from family and friends.   Loss of personal space is a factor mentioned, as is loss of independence and privacy.   One that closely relates to the scenario is uncertainty of diagnosis and management.   Maisey was uncertain of what was going on.   By providing her with the information she required, she could understand a purpose for her admission and the decisions being made.   Conclusion The reason for Maisey being upset, and the nursing teams reluctance to help her, all stem from the same thing.   As we have discovered communication and ones ability to reflect on practice have enormous effect on the capability to provide the highest possible quality of care.   Additionally time and commitment to our patients is priceless as it can never be taken away from them.   We also need to realise that ones own values have effects on interaction with our patients, so appreciating that our client has different values and beliefs to ourselves help us gain insight into the reasons they think and behave as they do.   Some consider interacting with others as hard work, but we as nurses need to understand that communication is the gateway to successfully helping our patients and improving our skills.   Action Plan On reflection I saw first-hand how easily communication can break down, if not between nurse and patient, then within the multi-disciplinary team.   I will take the experience with me throughout my nursing education, remembering the importance of effective communication, and also the ability to look back at an experience and break it down to discover what really happened.   Taylor (2000) defines how reflection on action occurs perfectly.   He explains that only when details of events are recalled and analysed, unpicked and reconstructed considering all aspects of a situation, can one gain fresh insights and amend actions.   He quotes Critical thinking is essential for safe practice.   (Taylor, 2000)   This should be an ongoing and extensive process for all nurses in practice.   I will be more aware of my interaction with others and will constantly reflect on my experiences to see the whole package of care delivery.   REFERENCES Becker, E.L. (1991) Churchills Illustrated Medical Dictionary. 3rd Edition. USA: Churchill Livingstone Data Protection Act 1998 London: HMSO Davis, C. (2008) Tea and Empathy: discussing a project focusing on patient centred care. Nursing Standard. Vol 22, no. 32,   p.18 Elliss, R.., Gates, B., Kenworthy, N. (2003)   Interpersonal communication in Nursing.   2nd Edition. London: Churchill Livingstone Egan, G. (1990) The Skilled Helper: A systematic approach to effective helping.   4th Edition.   USA: Wadsworth Gibbs, G. (1988)   Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. London: Further Education Unit Human Rights Act 1998 London: HMSO Heyward, T. Ramsdale, S. (2008) Interpersonal Skills. Chapter 1 IN Richardson, R. (Editor) (2008) Clinical Skills for Student Nurses.   UK:   Reflect Press Lloyd, M. Bor, R. (1996)   Communication Skills for Medicine.   New York: Churchill Livingstone Myerscough, P.R. (1992) Talking with Patients: A Basic Clinical Skill.   2nd Edition.   Oxford: Oxford University Press Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2007) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives.   London: NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2008) Essential Skills Clusters for pre-registration nursing programmes.   London: NMC Santamaria, N. (1993) The Difficult Patient: An Important Educational Need of Registered Nurses. Unknown Stockwell, F. (1972) The Unpopular Patient.   London: Royal College of Nursing Taylor, B.J (2000) Reflective Practice: A guide for nurses and midwives. Buckingham: Open University Press p.64 Timby, B.K   (2009)   Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts.   9th Edition.   London: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins Weller, B.F (2002)   Baillieres Nurses Dictionary.   24th Edition. London: Elsevier

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Religion :: essays research papers

Religion "Religion" is a simple word that divides humanity in several groups. It is the claim of many influential Christian and Jewish theologians that the only genuine basis for morality is in religion(Nielsen 13). The morals and beliefs of children are greatly influenced by their home life. It is sad how children grow up, not able to research into their beliefs, but conform to the beliefs that have run in their families for generations. Not many children break away from the traditional religion in their family because it has been practiced and influenced for many years. If one should participate in breaking tradition, he could be challenged by the family to show reasoning behind the change(Kaplan 258). In doing this, society still will be diverse, but at least that is one more person trying to express an opinion. The Old Testament is an accurate and valid resource to use when trying to explain Christianity and faith. For example, it is amazing how one can justify his faith to a strong Catholic family whentrying to prove that salvation is a free gift and not a time card for "good works." There is much difference between the religion of Catholicism and non- denominational Christianity. Though both groups believe in one God, the same God, growing up in the midst of the bickering of the two groups can confuse a child and bring bitterness toward this God that Christians believe is all-loving. School is an area where temptations are thrown in people's faces each day. Many people are challenged each day in these situations; children may be challenged in their home or in school because of the issue of salvation and trying to maintain a strong-willed mind as a young Christian. Catholic children are taught their religion in CCD classes, and the result is the children learning to be good in order to go to heaven. Many of the the things they are taught come from the Old Testament. The Christian Bible includes the Old Testament unlike Judaism where their bible is the Old Testament. Children learn Christian virtues such as faith, obedience, piety, chastity, love, mercy, and humility(Garner 272). Catholic children are also taught that if they do sin, than they simply can go confess their sins to a priest and then they are forgiven. According to the Old Testament, salvation is free gift and forgiveness is given straight from God, not through some high standing official in the Church. Catholics are given a bad name, and their religion is considered to be hostile towards others and unethical at times(Hudnut 22).

Friday, July 19, 2019

To compare The Charge of the Light Brigade with The Destruction of Essa

To compare The Charge of the Light Brigade with The Destruction of Sennacherib In this essay we are going to be comparing two war poems. They are ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) and ‘The Destruction of Sennacherib’ by Lord Byron (1788-1824). ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ is set in the Crimean war. It is about the British cavalry getting the wrong orders and going straight at the enemy’s cannons. ‘The Destruction of Sennacherib’ is a biblical story. The story tells us about a whole army being wiped out really quickly as they slept by the ‘Angel of Death’. The first poem we are going to look at is ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892). In this poem Tennyson describes the valley that the cavalry had to gallop along as ‘The Valley of Death’. This makes you think that as they go along the valley the soldiers will die. He describes the soldiers as heroic and he admires their courage because the soldiers did not question their orders even though they were likely to be killed. To emphasise this ..

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wise Blood Character Annalysis- Enoch Emery

Wise Blood Character Evaluation Essay: Enoch Emery In the book â€Å"Wise Blood† by Flannery O’Connor, Enoch Emery is first introduced into the story in the third chapter when the main character. Emoch runs into the main character Hazel motes on the street in a crowd of people surrounding a man selling potato peelers. Enoch is an eighteen years old and is described as a â€Å"damp haired pimpled boy† with â€Å"yellow hair and a fox-shaped face. †(pg. 5) We are quickly shown his lack of intelligence by his terrible grasp on the English language and him only laughing after being mocked by the peeler sales man.Enoch is an impulsive rude boy, who just does and says what he wants not thinking of the consequences of his actions. He makes new enemies everywhere. Mocking and snickering at waitresses, making inappropriate comments, getting himself called names like â€Å"son of a bitch. † More than anything he is just simple minded. He does these things bec ause he does not think of consequences. He says there are no friendly people in the city, but he probably is just not giving anyone a good reason to be friendly towards him. Enoch is instantly drawn towards Hazel Motes by something he calls â€Å"wise blood. He claims he inherited wise blood from his father and that it tells him what to do and where to go. Enoch believes that his wise blood will come in handy to Hazel in his mission to start â€Å"The Church Without Christ. † Hazel just sees Enoch as an insane obsessive teenage boy though and wants nothing to do with him. Enoch tries to tag along with Hazel but is rejected by him immediately. However, soon after Hazel got rid of Enoch, he found himself having to go to his work at the city zoo to fetch him. Thinking that Enoch knew where to find the blind preacher and his daughter, Hazel decided to follow him.Before Enoch brought Hazel to the preacher he had to show Hazel what he thought was a huge secret. One he could only t ell someone who he felt was the chosen one to share it with. This person had to be someone who he felt was pure and not from the city. He immediately knew it to be Hazel and felt he had to find a way to share what he knew with him. Enoch took Hazel to a museum that was through the woods from his work, telling Hazel that he would not tell him where the preacher lived unless Hazel saw what Enoch wanted to show him.When they got inside Enoch told Hazel to be quiet as to not wake the guard who did not like Enoch very much. When they finally arrived where Enoch wanted to bring Hazel it turned out that what he was showing Hazel was a three foot tall shrunken man in a glass case. â€Å"See theter notice,† Enoch said in a church whisper, pointing to a type written card at the man’s foot, â€Å"it says he was once as tall as you or me. Some A-rabs did it to him in six months. † He turned his head cautiously to see Hazel Motes. † (pg. 94) Enoch believed that this wa s the new Christ that Hazel was searching to find for his Church Without Christ.When Hazel saw this however he wanted nothing to do with the shrunken man and stormed out. Although Enoch had told Hazel that he knew where the two of them lived it was a lie. However he went ahead anyway with Hazel, trying to rely on his wise blood to guide him. In the end they ended up not finding the blind preaches house, only filling Hazel with more hatred towards Enoch. Enoch’s blood was telling him that Hazel needed the shrunken man for his church without Christ so he knew he had to steal it from the museum.Enoch went to the museum with shoe polish covering his face and hands so that if anyone were to see him they would suspect a colored man and not him. Enoch managed to steal the shrunken man without any witnesses. Enoch brought the man home and put him carefully away, afraid to even look at it. He suspected that he would soon be rewarded for his actions. So he sat and waited, but nothing h appened. Enoch waited longer, but still nothing happened. Finally he gave up, slamming the door to the cabinet the shrunken man was in, smashing it’s face.Since nobody saw him steal the shrunken man he could still possibly be a suspect so Enoch put on a hat and a fake beard and headed off to the address that Sabbath Hawks gave him to find Hazel Motes. When he got to the house Sabbath answered Hazel’s door saying that Hazel was ill and persuaded him to leave the package with her, not knowing that it was the shrunken man inside. â€Å"My man is sick today and sleeping,† she said, â€Å"because he didn’t sleep none last night. What you want? † â€Å"This is for him, it ain’t for you,† Enoch said, handing her the wet bundle. A friend of his gave it to me to give to him. I don’t know what’s in it. † â€Å"I’ll take care of it,† she said. â€Å"You needn’t to worry none† (pg. 183) Enoch left s lamming the door and despite Enoch’s request not to open it and to deliver it directly to Hazel she brought it to the bathroom and started to tear open the package, despite Enoch’s wishes of her. Later Enoch discovers a line of children waiting to shake hands with a gorilla named Gonga, which is really just a man in a gorilla suit. Enoch, being the simple minded fool that he is, gets in line with all the small children.The children who are there to see a movie staring Gonga not just to shake hands with a fake gorilla, but Enoch wanted nothing to do with the movie, only wanting to shake the man’s hand and trying each time to strike conversation but then being pushed aside. The man in the Gonga suit ends up telling Enoch to go to hell, this being the first time that anyone from the city reached out their hand to Enoch and then this being the reaction to potential conversation, Enoch was immediately crushed and storms off.Later Enoch is in a diner and reads that Go nga is going to be at another local theater so he tracks him down. Enoch climbs into the back of the van that Gonga arrived in, hid, and waited for them to leave. Once they finished they loaded up the van and left. Enoch stayed in the van until they came to a stop at a crossing where he jumped out holding the Gonga suit and ran off to the woods where he buries his human clothes and sets off into the night ready to meet people as his new identity of Gonga.Overjoyed Enoch feels that he is finally being rewarded as he should be. Enoch walks down to the edge of the road where he finds a man and woman sitting on a rock over looking the city. As he tries to greet them they scream and run off. Enoch’s hands drop to his sides and he is left alone in the dark looking out over the city. This is the last we ever hear from him for the rest of the story. One of Enoch’s main roles is â€Å"Wise Blood† is comic relief. He is pretty much the only character to bring humor to the story throughout the book.He is constantly making bad decisions and always trying to insult people everywhere he goes. He is also where the title of the story comes from. Enoch is the only character in the book that actually claims to have â€Å"wise blood,† which he claims he inherited from his father who also had it. Enoch is clueless in life and the only important decisions he ever makes are ones he feels like he has no choice but to make since he feels his blood is telling him what to do, and it is almost impossible for him to ignore what the wise blood wants.

Ors Versus Crown Colony Government

In order to come to a conclusive response to the question of whether the nineteenth century debate over steer Colony organisation versus the Old example System as a weapon of compound rule in the nineteenth century British West Indies was and emergence of democracy versus autocracy. I shall in that respectfore assort between democracy and autocracy, and Old deterrent example System and the poll Colony political relation activity respectively.Moreover, I am going to show from democratic standpoint that the Old good example system and the pinch Colony Government argon different as it relates to the head of democracy that was allowed within the cardinal types of Governance. Trevor Monroe asserts that the denomination democracy comes from the bringing in concert of devil Greek words, demos, which means people, and kratia, which means to rule. Monroe save asserts that in democratic states political rights are recognized and practiced to roughly peak (Munroe, 2002).Th erefore, it is safe to say that autocracy is the black eye of democracy in that it is based on ego derived proponent or in other words absolute license and supremacy of an individual or group. Moreover, Monroe affirms that in authoritarian states there is no equating in the rule of the law, he goes on to mention that the laws within these states are for some but the rulers are above the law. The close critical point Monroe puts forward is that the rules that hold out under an authoritarian system are influenced by the desires of the ruling group and may change from time to time(Monroe. 2002).Understanding these two terminologies will provide a clearer reasonableness to the reader as it relates to the Old vocalisation System and the Crown Colony Government. From the rise of slavery in the Caribbean to the time of the Crown Colony Government, the ideology of the powers that be (plantocracy or elite) was to maintain absolute power and work over the people who were considere d of a get off class (Slaves). To get a crack grasp of the architecture of the Old interpretive program System and its functions I shall therefore steering on the writings of Edward long and Brian Edwards. desire and Edwards affirms that the Old Representative system was the rife constitutional mastermind in the British colonies in the West Indies during the seventeenth and 18th centuries. farsighted and Edwards go on upgrade to state that as a governmental system, the ORS consisted of three basic elements in the form or regulator, Council, and Assembly. The governor as the authors explain was the chief executive and was appointive by the Crown and was the local substitute of imperial interest in the dependence (Long and Edward. 004).The council, the authors assert was appointed by the Crown on the recommendation of the Governor, functioned as a second chamber of the colonial law-makers and also as an advisory council to the Governor who exercised, under the universal supervision of the crown, common powers of suspension and dismissal over its members. establish on the information being presented by the authors it can clearly be seen that there was some form of contain democracy.Long and Edwards affirms that in some colonies, the council acting unneurotic with the Governor, also exercised judicial functions as an appellate court in cases involving sums in tautologic of three hundred pounds but non exceeding five hundred pounds, in which case appeals lay to the crowns privy council. Lastly, long and Edwards asserts that the assemblies varied in size and were elected by freeholders on a franchise which in it self varied among different colonies.The authors articulate that the constitutional form together with the respective powers and functions of the constituent elements of the ORS were laid tweak in the commission and instructions issued to the Governor by the Crown under the berth of the royal prerogative (Long and Edward. 2004). Long a nd Edward provides severalise to support the fact that there was limited democracy with the ORS. They stated that within the boilers suit framework of the ORS, it was clearly intended that the play should be subordinate to the Governor and Council.The general subordination of the assembly was secured by the power of the Governor to refuse assent legislative power with the assembly, including the right to amend property bills passed by the Assembly. According to Long and Edward however, in spite of these restrictions, the Assembly through the effective use of its power over supplies, acquired immense power and became the dominant element of the colonial constitutional structure, in the face of inflexible attempts on the part of the imperial government to limit its legislative competence and to put in its power within the legal saltation of a provincial council.